Things are quiet newswise in Oz.
I've added a little bit of emphasis on the text for even extra dramatic effect. That's a big ask with blogger WYSIWYG, you should see the code it generates...... anyway.....Where was I?..... Oh yes......... BACK TO TODAY'S STORY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(the headline screams............)
Giant rhubarb weed infests 3 states
Three southern states are on alert for a giant invasive rhubarb with 20 metre long roots which can rip up concrete.
Japanese knotweed was brought over to Australia 100 years ago as an ornamental garden plant but has infested Victoria, Tasmania and New South Wales.
The weed is hard to eradicate as herbicides take years to work and its roots are difficult to dig up.
John Weiss from the Co-operative Research Centre for Australian Weed Management says Japanese knotweed is also a big problem in the United States, New Zealand and Europe.
"In Europe they are finding they can grow... underneath roads and reach up to the other side of the road or grow through cracks in concrete, or through mortar into houses," he said.
"There are stories about them growing up drain pipes and coming out the roofs of people's houses - it is a phenomenal weed."
That ends the news from the Australian desk.
Dot.Dot.Dot UPDATE!!!!! those sly devils at Network9/MSN are on to this breaking story.
Weed authorities warn of knotweed peril
16:53 AEST Wed Apr 27 2005It's been described as the botanical equivalent of the cane toad, a noxious plant so destructive it's able to break concrete, block drains, invade homes and smash up roads.
This is Japanese knotweed, which like many plant pests once adorned Australian gardens.
It jumped the fence early last century and has since been stealthily taking up residence in Tasmania, Victoria and NSW.
"It's a case where community vigilance can potentially make the difference between stopping the invasion in its tracks - and losing huge tracts of our native bushland," he said.
So you guys in the US can keep an eye out for the terr'rists and I'll keep up the vigilance on this infernal weed.
I remember my mum making rhubarb pie when I was little. Strange stuff. Maybe you guys need to start eating it more! That'll give it a scare!
Peter (the other), at 10:36 am
mmmm terrorist... so jucie so *drool*
tetricus, at 12:46 pm
I think it was a rhubarb weed........ whatever that is. I dunno I'd never heard of it before. My Mum made a pretty good rhubarb pie too. Stewed rhubarb with tapioca and custard was another good one.
Harry...... this is a true story. My brother's best man is a New Zealand Maori. One day my brother was at his place and saw his family tree. A few of the lines came to a sudden end with a Maori word next to it. My brother asked what the word meant. The reply, "Eaten."
Johnno, at 9:00 pm
i wanna know how i can become a weed authority, i mean i already am in certain circles, but ya know, to get the uniform and a badge.
badges, we don't need no badges, but a uniform would be cool. s.a. loves a man in uniform, but abhors authority so this is all pretty moot.
sleepybomb, at 1:50 am
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