Back from Europe and back to blogging.

Above photo was taken beside Lyn (Lake) Gwynant in Wales. Best of about 8 shots which I had to squeeze in.
So I'm back from Europe and still getting my "Australian legs", trying to get the house in order and dealing with working on night shift. Hmmmmm unfortunately this was put on the backburner so I'll have to go a-visitin' on some old blogging brethren and sistren and let you all know I'm alive. Sorry about that. Everything still seems out of whack two weeks later.
I read somewhere it is bad form to go AWOL and post semi-regularly. Thing is I've had so much to write about I haven't known where to start. Took advice from a friend of mine who suggested, "Just bloody type!".
So here I am typing and it seems to be going well.
I've been rather busy on flickr too. Catching up on a backlog of 1400+ photos, trying to create some semblance of order out of them. So THAT has been another prioiry but this has been nagging me to get back. Oh in good news I've been shortlisted by Mercedes Benz Germany for aa photo of mine to go in a coffee table book they are producing. Could be my first paid commision.
Anyway I'll try to get some sort of semi-regular deal going again. I promise!
Oh, changed the title of my blog seeing so many people were linking me as Johnno :)
Now off to stir the pot at Scruggs, Peter, Golby and other establishments of ill-repute.
Good to have you back, and good luck on the photo sale!
Peter (the other), at 6:09 pm
Good Day To You Johnno...
...since a few minutes back I didn't know about this blog and then I read something from 2005 about G.I.Gurdjieff and A.Crowley. Now I don't know if you are interested in "spiritual" things anymore - a great deal can happen in a few years. If you still are I leave you a link to some pages on Scribd.
Take it as a present - because the info I got here is valuable to me.
Thanks + be well
Anonymous, at 2:06 pm
amazing journey
Unknown, at 8:59 pm
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