Australia dragged kicking and screaming into the noughties........

I-Tunes is finally available in Australia.
I was in Europe in 2004 and the computer I was using had I Tunes loaded. I tried to download songs but because my credit card was registered in Australia, I couldn't buy any songs. Bummer.
So now it's here and I've been furiously downloading stuff that is really hard to find in second hand record stores.
One of the tracks I downloaded was Simple Mind's "Theme for Big Cities". I have been after this track since I was around 19 years old, not knowing the title. I heard it on radio a couple of weeks ago and fired off this e-mail to the presenter after it wasn't back announced.
"I enjoy your show very much, the highlight of my Monday. I grew up in
Adelaide in the mid 80's and a lot of my hard earned filthy lucre ended up
in the pockets of the guys at Seeing Eye records who had a great shop in
Rundle Mall.
I think you mentioned Adelaide last week or the week before that.
Anyway what was the instrumental that closed the show today. I caught the
end of it and the announcer after you back announced his FIRST song (Bizarre
Love Triangle) but didn't back announce yours. The screams in my car could
be heard across Sydney.
I HAVE BEEN AFTER THIS INSTRUMENTAL FOR AGES!!!!! And when I say ages I mean since when I was 19 years old which would make it 19 years ago in around 1986.
here's the story..........
A friend of mine in '86 lent me a tape of some music she taped off the radio
5mmm (pre Austereo, when the mmm tag was was owned by a community station) in Adelaide , she didn't know the name of the piece. So I taped it from her tape to one of my own and thrashed it, it broke, I spliced it back up, I
replaced the reels but eventually lost it somewhere.
I've heard it being sampled as an Olympics sound over in 2000 wrote away to
a very disinterested TV station.
I've looked on Napster in the late 90's thinking it may be called "The Real
Thing" as it sounds similar to Russel Morris' song.
I've searched high and low.... all to no avail.
And at about 1pm today I heard it again, I pulled my car over, turned it off, had my pen and piece of paper ready for the name of this enigma then......NO BACK ANNOUNCEMENT, therefore I still don't know the name of this infernal instrumental.
Paul wrote back and informed me it was "Theme for Big Cities" and now I have it!
Other stuff I've been after that I now have.
Porroh Man: Big Country
The Delivery of Marie Claire: Daniel Lanois
Eruption: Van Halen
Cry: Godley and Creme
Twist in my Sobriety: Tanita Takaram
Theme from Southern Comfort: Ry Cooder ( I was after this track for some time too, the soundtrack was never released and is probably one of the best I've heard. Lousy movie, great soundtrack)
Couple of Malcolm McClaren songs
Heaps of Miles Davis stuff.
I get furious when DJs don't back announce. The USA has another distinction in that we are the only country in the civilized world where radio does not pay for the use of the records (they pay for the underlying song composition). The reason this was done, was that supposedly the musicians were getting free publicity by having there record played. Not much publicity when the ego nutter DJ has to give his/her name three times to every once he/she gives credit for the record.
In the rest of the world, you at least get paid if you played on/produced and even someplaces engineered a recording (when it is played on commercial radio). Unless you are a yank, no reciprocity you see. Sorry, a pet peeve.
Peter (the other), at 6:42 pm
I wasn't aware of this until I read a Hoodoo Gurus sleeve which described getting royalties from Brazilian airplay. There's a couple of Aussie bands popular in Brazil ( and still are that have long faded from the scene).
I never knew producers and engineers were also a part of this in the non-USA world. I wonder how much George Martin made from this?
Johnno, at 7:42 pm
Nice piece of music, if especially like me,as a DJ in the 80's I could get in possession of the maxi-single (5'50") of this magnificant song.
Why is this song good : if music triggers you to start to move your body, your stomach then you know it has "soul".
Anonymous, at 8:57 pm
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