You don't associate snow too much with Oz. Beaches....yes. Dry dusty deserts.....yes. Sydney Harbour with a nice lunch & a good bottle of red....yes. But snow doesn't rate much of a mention.
Anyway.....I woke up this morning, shuffled up to get a cigarette and a coffee and opened the front door to let the cat in. The chill hit me immediately, there was snow around! I showered, grabbed my camera and hopped in my car and headed about 30 minutes up the mountain to get some pics. This is sbout the fifth or sixth time I've seen the white cold stuff.
All of these photos are around the Blackheath area which is about 117km(65 miles) from Sydney at an altitude of 1100 metres(3300 feet). It's not that spectacular and was beginning to turn to slush at 8.30 in the morning when the sun was coming up. I realise those from colder climes may be totally non-plussed and even underwhelmed by it (much the same way I'm pretty blase about kangaroos hopping around outside my front door).....however it's still snow, kinda exciting for me.
Much later, after my snow induced ecstacy, I was speaking with an old guy in an Antique shop in Katoomba. He said the best snowfall he could remember was in 1965 when it went all the way down to Springwood (near where I live), perhaps one day I won't have to travel and take it from my front door.
First sighting of SNOW(!) along the fence of the Hydro Majestic Hotel
at Medlow Bath.
Rest Stop Area on the Great Western Highway

Golf green becomes a golf WHITE!

Eucalyptus trees seem out of place with snow.