Grogblogging II
Forty bloogers having thoughts in their head what to write about the next day....... I'm taking the easy way out and writing about Grogblogging II.
This morning My Bloody Valentine's Loveless album plays in the background with "Sometimes" and "Soon" in constant rotation. The fuzzy opiumesque (is there such a word?) melodies wash over the-open-minds state of mind. Not from an excess of alcohol but more from a lack of sleep, I started work yesterday at 5am did a thirteen hour shift in the Western Suburbs, drove into Sydney for a few hours and then back home about 100km to the Blue Mountains. Home at about 2am.
Last night I went to "Grogblogging II ® " meeting a few fellow Sydneyside bloggers plus a carload of lads up from Warrigul or Warrieton or Warmingwood or something....... lets just say country Victoria. The aim was to meet a few Aussies face to face and find out a little bit about what was happening in my own backyard, get a few links and discuss things blog.
The above photo is the mission accomplished photo. After a rather nervous and timid start, the links and introductions were flowing almost as liberally as the jugs of beer. Links were hastily scribbled on the closest Club Keno forms.
Young Misha and Bourbonbird were tagging anything and everything (including my cigarettes) with nametags which seem to stick to everthing except clothes, they were later joined by the lovely Tokenwoman (who I've just found out flew down from Brisvegas) and talked things girly . The Bed and Breakfast Man (along with his understanding wife) who felt old but was younger than me at a spritely 36 and I discussed things musical.

From left to right Misha, Bourbonbird, The Bed and Breakfast Man and his significant other!
Not knowing anyone and having some not knowing me begged the question, "What do you blog about." If you've popped on by you'll now know.
(Quiet whisper) It's Mat from Darpism, not Dave!
Good to meet you - rumblings 'round the blogosphere make it seem like everyone had a fine time.
flashman, at 11:56 am
It was great to meet you, John. Though I had no idea who you were, you are forever burnt into the recesses of my brain. Thanks for the company, I'll see you around. :)
Apples, at 1:30 pm
It was Warragul, you crazy hippy. Good to meet you.
Anonymous, at 8:28 pm
Flash: Actually the Matt/Dave confusion is more a case of Matt reminding me of a young David Penberthy more than anything. Penbo used to be an angry young turk with Direct Action or a sympathetic Central American group before joining Rupert's stable.
We were thinking about running for editors of Adelaide Uni's On Dit in 1990. I dropped out of uni at the end of 89 and Penbo went ahead and became editor in 1991.
Johnno, at 12:44 pm
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