Geoffrey Moore writes in his book"
Crossing the Chasm: Marketing and Selling High-Tech Products to Mainstream Customers", that there is a bell curve that describes how a new technology is adapted by a market.
At the front of the curve is a small section of Innovators and next to it a slightly larger Early Adapter section. After that there are two large sections at the middle of the curve, the Early Majority and then the Late Majority. Finally, there is a Laggards section.
Here are a couple of forays into things technological over the years.
(aka Johnno the trailblazer)
Internet business...... 1996 (you should have tried getting permission to take cash over the internet in '96 from the Australian banks.....horrific)
Firefox.......2002 (have never looked back)
ICQ.....user number 30 thousand and something, last used circa 98.Early Adapters
(aka Johnno as a trendsetter)
There are things I was relatively early with.
Home PC..... Around 1983 (a VIC-20)CD player....... 1985 (Cd's were something like $24 a pop at the time compared to a $12 cassette)
DVD player......2000 (introduced in 1999 downunder, it's a really well made Pioneer DV-525 unit. If you were lucky Blockbuster would have TWO copies of a DVD. Still going strong)
Mobile/cell phone..........around '92 although I got rid of the thing after awhile getting another in 2001.
Yahoo account circa 96
Digital camera...... 2000. An old Sony thing with a 3 1/2" FLOPPY drive. Held 5 photos at high(1.2 mp res) YEEHAW!
Early Majority/Late Majority
(aka Johnno joins the stampeding herd)
There are a few things I have been slow on the uptake.
Blogging....2005 First Wi_fi connection......last week 2006. Myspace.......last couple of weeks 2006. Broadband......2004Laggards
(aka Shit I don't need/want/understand at this point in time
accompanied by lame Luddite excuses)
I-pod.... I just don't NEED one. Music is in the car or at home and I have mp3/cd players there.Podcasting, I have difficulties enough putting pen to paper let alone making noises about it. DVD burner- I jusy wait for the DVD bargain bins and the artists get the royalties. Call me a prude. Anything labelled with a 2.0 after it. Although technically this blog comes under the auspices of 2.0, I just don't know it!
Bluetooth...... cables and physical flash drives are fine, usually quicker
Linux....... flaky, scary and unsuitable for my apps, I've seen experts having difficulty doing basic chores that usually just click open with XP.
Big flat screen TV....mine is plenty big enough.
What's your myspace id?
Anonymous, at 3:58 am
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