There is something so romantically true about this shot. When I was at sea, I looked forward to the drenching. The ship could take it (and enjoyed the deck washing), and properly dressed, so could I.
Part of my love of ships, are their purpose. That is, they are not usually just hanging around out there, they are traveling between x and y for some justifiable reason. My life is between an x and y, but I am not so sure of the reason.
The cold coming in, always makes me think of Joni Mitchell's Urge For Going. A ship is a good way to go.
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There is something so romantically true about this shot. When I was at sea, I looked forward to the drenching. The ship could take it (and enjoyed the deck washing), and properly dressed, so could I.
Part of my love of ships, are their purpose. That is, they are not usually just hanging around out there, they are traveling between x and y for some justifiable reason. My life is between an x and y, but I am not so sure of the reason.
The cold coming in, always makes me think of Joni Mitchell's Urge For Going. A ship is a good way to go.
Peter (the other), at 8:09 am
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