
The finished loaf, resplendent with olives, caraway seeds and dried tomatoes. I just shared it with a friend with some fresh cheese, smoked pork loin with a chilli and tomato relish.
Now if I had some of the Scatchings sponsor product....... "Professor Phardtpounder's Colon Cleaner Hot Sauce" the afternoon would have been complete. Yet somehow I'll have to go without.
I don't believe this stuff would be allowed to travel across international waters via plane, ship or submarine. It sounds like some sort of seriously potent dangerous good, unclassifiable...... and I'm not even going to even think about getting it through Australian customs. I'd be on the person of interest "A" list in an instant.
It does look good. My deepest respect, for although I will follow recipes closely, my results rarely come out looking like something one would expect to eat. But as I usually only cook for myself, I'll notice how good it tastes and deem the new look appropriate.
Peter (the other), at 1:44 am
Nice one mate. Good choice of things to eat it with too.
Anonymous, at 7:26 am
It's still great. It's been sitting in the corning wrapped in Glad (Sarin) Wrap.
Just had some toast and it was excellent. I think I'm going to get seriously into this bread mamking thing.
Johnno, at 8:17 am
I'm not sure which of the two is more addictive: breadmaking or bread eating. I'm partial to a sourdough myself. The problem being: butter. And a hot loaf. In our household we truly could live on bread alone. My wife drives to the next town just to pick up a decent baguette. And our local baker - a guy named Breadman Garth - loses money making bread, in fact had all his equipment seized by Revenue Canada - which, yes, can happen in this country, you can lose your shirt and still somehow owe the gov't money - anyway, he loses it all and his little one shop franchise name - then fires up again, and you gotta assume he's just plain addicted to the dough. As opposed to the dough. If you know what I mean.
Sin of all sins, I have to admit I've given into the bread machine. It's a time thing. And a heat thing. But now that summer has passed and the cool mornings are here, maybe it's time to fire up the oven. In fact, I'm going to get off my butt and start a starter now. We'll be in full breadmaking mode by the weekend! Thanks for the inspiration.
Anonymous, at 11:21 pm
I'm back from my little adventure and I'm going to do some more of the bread thing today. Whilst in Adelaide, my Mum supplied me with some fresh olives that she had brined and seasoned herself from raw olives.
They are superb. great big fat Kalamata olives that are almost like mushrooms. They will be great on this bread.
Moff, good bakers are hard to find and when you do they are something to hold on to. I'm more into butter too, although from time to time I'll drizzle some good olive oil on the bread. Sourdough is difficult to come by in these parts, I've only had it once or twice.
And a bread making machine is better than buying those plastic loaves from the supermarket!
Anonymous, at 6:29 am
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