Going walkabout again

The old girl and me

I'm over here for a few days
A long, long time ago in a galaxy far, far away.......
Hang on, I'll backtrack a bit.
When I was a teenager in Adelaide there was a cavalcade of old cars that used to meet at Glenelg beach, travel through Adelaide, through the rolling Adelaide Hills and end up at the township of Birdwood. It was known and is still known as "The Bay to Birdwood" I used to love watching those old pieces of engineering barreling up some of those hills, the owners smiling and waving enthusiastically. People lined the roads to see them and they also featured on a television station.
I always wanted to take part in it one day and now I am.
A couple of years ago I bought an older Mercedes 450SLC which qualifies as an older than 30 year old car which makes it eligible for the Classic Class. So I thought I'd send in an application to finally enter. My application was accepted. I can cross off another one of those things "I've been meaning to do."
So I've set up a blog http://benzacrossoz.blogspot.com/ it will be sort of a travelogue across the inland areas between Sydney and delaide taking a route off the beaten track. Expect lots of photos from around Australia and pictures of lots of cars.
Petrol prices at the moment are rather high, so this is going to cast about as much as a budget overseas holiday. Not to worry, Australia has many things to see and do along the backwater route.... it should be fun.